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Into the Hawkerverse

01 Jan 2024 (Mon) -
31 Dec 2026 (Thu)

$0.00 - $10.00

Into the Hawkerverse

01 Jan 2024 (Mon) - 31 Dec 2026 (Thu)
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Into the Hawkerverse introduces Singapore's Hawker Culture as an important part of Singapore's food heritage and way of life to children. Children get to travel back in time to the exciting days of street hawkers, meet hawker culture heroes and listen to their stories, step into the big shoes of hawkers, discover the encyclopaedic array of hawker dishes and the careful consideration of hawker centre design, as well as glimpse into the future of hawker culture.

Tickets & Prices
Free admission for children 12 years and below.
S$10 for Adults.

All tickets purchased are non-refundable, non-exchangeable & non-transferable.

General admission is for individual families and visitors only. All group bookings will be required to book through the group bookings option. No walk-ins for group bookings is allowed and your group may be denied entry to the museum if no advance group booking was made.

Children aged 12 months and below do not require a ticket, with a minimum purchase of 1 child & 1 adult ticket per booking. Otherwise, a ticket will be required and admission fees may apply.

All entrance tickets include admission to the Permanent Exhibition and the current Special Exhibitions.

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Event Details Opening hours:
  • Daily : Full Day
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